
The Anything Project


"God I'll do anything for you....anything!"  Have you ever prayed that prayer?  It's a scary thing to tell God that you would do ANYTHING for Him....what if he tells me to sell everything and move to Africa????  (Well I kind of wish He would tell me that!)  Or start a nonprofit in the midst of being homeless with two kids and one on the way....hmmm....

I was at a desperate place in life when I prayed that prayer over three years ago.  Life had literally fallen apart.  Joe had lost his job, we had to move out of our lovely custom built home in the perfect neighborhood, and I found out we were pregnant with our third babe.  It seemed like life couldn't get any harder.  Where would we go, how would we get food on the table, and how would we pay for this baby when our health insurance left with the job??  It turned out to be a very dark time in our lives and the fight for light to enter into our darkness was just that, a Fight!  I have come to realize lately that victory comes only after a battle has been fought.  We often want that victory without the fight.  That would be great in our realm of thought, but the Lord tells us, "we glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."  Romans 5:3-5

One night after we left our home and had moved into the in-laws basement I was laying in bed next to my shell of a husband with tears running down my cheeks.  I felt so very alone, and confused.  It was in that moment that the Lord whispered in my ear that I was not alone, that he would never leave me or forsake me, that He was my lover, my friend, my provider, my everything.  He, in that moment, filled the void in my heart that I was longing for Joe my husband to fill, but literally was unable to.  His joy became my strength, he clothed me with a robe of righteousness and adorned me with precious jewels.  He said to me "You are Mine!"  This was a turning point for me, and my ears we were now open to hearing his voice in a way I hadn't in a long time.  And then he started talking, and asking me to live out the anything prayer I had prayed.

In the midst of what most would call chaos God called us to trust him and to step out in ways that seemed impossible!!  But I was ready to do whatever he asked.  I wanted more than anything to be in his will and to walk in His footsteps, because I knew that there was no safer place to be!  In this time the Lord started to place dreams in my heart to minister to women in crisis.  I had worked with women in crisis pregnancies and wanted to continue in that work, but do more.  The Lord started to birth a vision in me bigger than anything I could take credit for, and he challenged me to walk this out in the midst of our storm.  And so The Well was birthed right along with our third baby Alice Joy.  
In 2012 I started meeting with other women to share my vision and gather a team to join me on this crazy ride!  Well, some how they caught the vision and have stuck by me through the craziness.  I am so very grateful for these warrior women!!  In May of 2013 we opened our doors with a few diapers and some wipes, and women came.  We opened our center with the idea that God was going to build this and he would guide and direct us, and He has never left us hanging!  He has been so faithful to give us what we need when we need it.  After being open for only two years we have opened a consignment shop called The Aspen as a way to bring in funding as well as offer a place for the community to gather.  We also have come to realize that our fight is for women in domestic abuse situations, and joining with the one TRUE rescuer to help rescue them out of the situations they are are in.  We have placed women in safe housing, gotten them into treatment, walked through the good and bad times with them, mentored them, loved them, and offered them a hope that only Jesus can give.  We are also praying big prayers and dreaming big dreams to join in the fight against human trafficking.  The passage we are walking out this year at The Well is Isaiah 61... "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners..."  It's an uncharted road, it's messy, and discouraging at times, but the victories are great!!  Walking out God's calling on my life has only left me feeling more alive!

Since starting The Well we as a family have really seen how God is for us, and not against us.  He knows what is best, and he has cared for our needs more abundantly than I could have imagined.  It hasn't been all predictable or normal to the standards of society by any means, but He has always provided what we have needed and beyond, all the while keeping us dependent on Him.  That's the place I want to be.  Not sure of the next move, but knowing that it will be Great!  

Surrender is an adventure.  It's a bumpy and winding road, but the views are breathtaking.  Come on the journey you won't be disappointed in fact I bet you'll finally feel ALIVE! 


IF: Gathering

IF: Local

IF God is real then how does that change us?  Come and be apart of this amazing event!  We are hosting a live streaming of IF: Gathering on February 6 & 7 at Word of Life Church in Le Sueur MN and we would love for you to join us!  If you are a woman hungry for more of Jesus, and seeking out what it looks like to walk out your faith and connect with other women as well this is a great way to start out the new year!  Come and be refreshed and unleashed in all that God has for you and the world around you.

IF: Location
Word of Life Church
890 Kingsway Dr.
Le Sueur, MN 56058

IF: The Schedule

Friday February 6th
6:30pm : Session 1: A Call to Believe
8:00pm : Small Group Discussion
8:30pm : Session 1 Cont.
9:30pm : Session 2: Why Don't We Believe
10:00pm : Closing

Saturday February 7th
8:00am : Session 2 Cont.
9:00am : Small Group Discussion
9:20am : Session 2 Con.
10:20am : BREAK
10:30am : Session 3: How Do We Believe
11:30am : Small Group Discussion
11:45am : LUNCH


1:00pm : Session 3 Cont.
1:30pm : Small Group Discussion
1:40pm : Session 4: What Could Happen if we Believed
2:40pm : Small Group Discussion / BREAK
3:00pm : Session 4 Cont.
4:00pm : Begin!
4:30pm : End

Be Unleashed!

You can come for all of the weekend or parts of it.  We would love to have you for any parts of the weekend that you can come for!!

MEALS: Come fed and ready to worship!!  You'll be responsible for your lunch on saturday.  You can bring a lunch or go out to eat if you would like.


Click here: REGISTER TODAY!!

IF: Vision Video



{Equipping Our Kids}

We are hosting a free parenting class at The Well focused on Equipping our Kids.  Come and become refreshed by fellowship, parenting tools, and support.  The class will be held at the Inspired Technologies Building at the address listed below.  Please email or call us with any questions!


{Behind Closed Doors}

I knocked on the door hoping that the woman who had opened her broken heart up to me a couple weeks prior would be there.  I knocked once, twice, three times....I knew that someone was there cause I could hear baby's crying and screaming.  Part of me wanted to just walk away.  I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, or if I would even be wanted there.  I stayed.  Soon a little boy probably about 3 or 4 came to the door.   I asked if his mommy was there.  He looked at me strange and then said, "Well, Mary's here.  Come in."  At this point I could hear Mary yelling and another little boy crying...so going in by invitation of a small child seemed a little intrusive.  As I was trying to decide what to do Mary came around the corner, and saw me.  She quickly put a smile on her face and greeted me as if life was never better.  I could tell she felt a little uncomfortable so I handed her the cd I had brought to give her.  Gave her a little encouraging word and went on my way.

I kind of felt like I walked in on someone in a bathroom stall that was not locked.  And I am sure she felt the same way.  Exposed.  We are so used to putting on the fake smile and making it seem like everything is fantastic when in reality you are screaming inside, desperate for something.  Something to bring relief to the pain, something to fill up your emptiness.  Someone to encourage you in your mothering, and cheer you on!  But so often we are afraid to be real, to show our true colors.  To show that we really do need help.  Or to be the one to knock on the door of a mom that could use some support.  To put yourself out there and be vulnerable, honest, and a giver of hope.

Hope is something that is missing in so many lives.  Won't you take the leap of faith this christmas season to love on someone that needs to know that Jesus loves them, offer hope to this hopeless world.  Go and knock, it will be scary, you may be rejected....but SHE is worth it!  Jesus thought so when he stretched his arms and died for HER.

"You broke into the silence and sang your song of hope
A melody resouning in the deep of my soul
You have come running
You tore down every wall
All the while you’re shouting, 
“My Love you’re worth it all”
Unstoppable Love by Kim Walker


{Empowering a woman will empower a community}

There are so many neat ministries out there helping women make a living out of the beautiful things that they create.  Check out Sarah Bessey's blog post to find out more about these different ministries!  What a great idea for christmas gifts this year!



I just got this book called "Undaunted" by Christine Caine.  Wow!  I have just read through chapter one and my heart is so on fire!  Since the vision for The Well came into my heart I have had an urgency building with in me, but I know that I am holding back.  And it's driving me crazy!  It's this battle between flesh and the spirit!  Oh how I long for God to move me to action!  Lord take my longings and passions and put them into a reality!!

Christine defines the "Normal Christian Life" as this: "Living boldly and courageously in the face of great difficulty, and amazing the world by beating the odds, for God's glory.  It is what the apostle Paul meant when he told Timothy, ' The spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.' (2 Timothy 1:7)

We are all called to live the "Normal Christian Life!"  Living in power, love and self discipline is supposed to be normal.  What does that look like?  When trying to put legs on those words, that's when fear can creep in.  It sounds amazing and we all long to live like that, but when it comes to actually doing it I know I chicken out.  Lord help us live out our calling.  That's the key..we can't do it.  He has to help us!  The Holy Spirit was sent to us to live within us and be our counselor.  Let him counsel you through the "Normal Christian Life!"

May this be your motivation!

"There is only one rescuer I know, with the power to free us from the darkest prison.  That rescuer is the God I love, who loves us so much he left everything to come for us, to free us.  He is the one who made us, each of us, for a unique purpose and a magnificent destiny.  He makes right what the world makes wrong.  His plans are for good, not for evil.  His ways are straight and merciful.  He came to give me a hope and a future - and to give you one too.  His promises are true.  His love is full of forgiveness and peace, joy and kindness, grace.  He is the true rescuer.  He saves us from any prison whether physical or emotional or spiritual, the ones we're forced into the ones we fall into on our won.  He chooses us.  He can make all things new.  He loves us without condition, unrelentingly, forever.  He loves us broken, and he loves making us whole again.  An he asks those of us who love him to love others the same way.  To choose them.  To be agents of his hope, his forgiveness, his grace.  He asks us to join him in rescuing others."  ("Undaunted" by Christine Caine)


{If God is real...then what?}

So I figured it was time to start updating the blog so it can be a place where you can come to be filled, refreshed, updated, and motivated to love!  So here it is....

WEEK 1 {If God is real, then what?}

I have been so encouraged lately to fall upon a group of women that are asking the question, "IF God is real, then what?"  If the God of the Bible is who he says he is, then how does that effect how we live our lives?  Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16:15-17

"But what about you?" he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 

There was responsibility that came with Peters response.  What is your response to Jesus' questions?  Who do you say that He is?  When I think of the Grace that comes in giving my life to Jesus, realizing what he has done for me on the cross.  I have been set FREE!  This love and grace spurs me to action.  It has caused a fire to burn in me.   A fire of love and gratitude and an urgency for others to know that freedom!  I want to live my life so unhindered and fearless because I know that My God is for me not against me, and he has equipped me.  He goes before me, and loves through me.  What a gift to be used by him!  

So....according to Jennie Allen:

Let’s fight and live like crazy women who believe this is true.